Resistance put forth
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Resistance Put Forth By The Jews or Other Countries


1 a : an act or instance of resisting : OPPOSITION b : a means of resisting 2 : the ability to resist; especially : the inherent capacity of a living being to resist untoward circumstances (as disease, malnutrition, or toxic agents) 3 : an opposing or retarding force 4 a : the opposition offered by a body or substance to the passage through it of a steady electric current b : a source of resistance 5 often capitalized : an underground organization of a conquered or nearly conquered country engaging in sabotage and secret operations against occupation forces and collaborators

Resistance...both a failure and a success.

There was much resistance put forth by the German Jews, and by other countries and their leaders. 

In the spring of 1943 (April-May), the Nazis were surprised by an uprising in the Warsaw ghetto. When the SS entered the ghetto to round up more Jews for deportation, the 60,000 Jews fought back with guns, rifles, grenades and Molotov cocktails. Although the Jews were eventually defeated and sent to death camps, the Germans needed three thousand troops to quell the Jewish resistance. 

Another example of resistance was at the Auschwitz death camp where many of its inhabitants stormed against the doors. A few prisoners escaped but many were caught and killed. 

A third example of resistance was when combined forces of the Dutch, Belgian, Italian, and French Jews tried to resist the Nazis. Although this group was large and had weapons supplied by their home countries, the Nazis still terminated them.

An example of a  resistance group succeeding was with Bulgaria's leader King Boris III when he went against Hitler's plans to deport the Bulgarian Jews. King Boris III told Hitler that his Jewish people were needed to build roads and railways tracks. But soon Boris's Jewish Expert, Theodor Dannecker convinced Aleksandr Belev to deport at least 20,000 of the Jewish population. Just before this deportation was to occur, King Boris III heard about it and moved the Jews so they were spread out and hung Dannecker and Belev.


Another example of a resistance group succeeding was in Denmark where in 1943, Hitler had planned to deport Jews. Fortunately, the Danish people were tipped off and hid the Jewish population in synagogues during the Jewish New Year's services. Unfortunately, Hitler's men captured 477 out of over 7,000 Danish Jews. In October 1943, Denmark moved many of its Jewish citizens across the narrow strip of water into neutral Sweden via Danish fisihng fleets.


Although the Jews resisted during the Holocaust, their efforts were mostly failures.