The Main Symbols Used During the Holocaust
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The Symbols Used in the Holocaust

There were three main symbols used during the time of the Holocaust. These symbols were the pink triangle, the swastika and the yellow or blue Star of David.

A Prisoner with a pink triangle

This is a photograph of a prisoner of the Holocaust wearing a traditional prisoner uniform with a pink triangle over his left breast.

  The Pink Triangle

   The pink triangle was used during the Holocaust to identify homosexuals and bisexuals. The homosexuals and the bisexuals were another group targeted by the Nazi party because they were also considered racially and socially unclean. They were also put in Ghettos and were sent to concentration camps.

The Yellow or Blue Star of David

The blue or yellow Star of David (yellow star was on badge, and blue star was on armband) was used to identify the people of the Jewish race from the other people in Germany before the ghettos were created to house the Jews. Even after the ghettos were created the stars were used as an identification of those Jews left in cities and also to show which Jews were or were not part of the small group of privileged Jews who were allowed to stay alive to help for a while. These armbands were worn in all Nazi-associated countries during the reign of the Third Reich.

The Swastika

The swastika with its arms pointing clockwise and being on an angle was the symbol used on the flag to a represent of the Nazi party. If this symbol were put straight and had its arms facing counterclockwise then it would be a religious symbol, however, that was why the Nazi party decided to change it slightly so that it would be considered the "crooked religion".

the Yellow Triangle Badge

This is a photo of a yellow star badge attached to a uniform worn by the prisoners of the ghettos and the concentration camps.

The Swastika on Flags

In this photo, the focus ison the flags hanging in the background with the Nazi swastika on it.