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All About Adolf Hitler

Adolf Hitler was born on April 20th, 1889 in a small town called Braunau on the Inn, Austria. His father was a customs official and his mother was a homemaker. He also had a sister named Paula who he made change her surname as soon as he got into power.

Hitler was influenced by the beliefs of Georg von Schonerer who believed in the union of Germany and Austria into one German Empire or Reich, as well as, the superiority of the Ayran race and the promotion of anit-Semitism.

Hitler was a corporal in the German army during the First World War. Hitler came into power after organizing the murder of his superior in 1919. He slowly made his way to the top of the NSDAP party by convincing everyone how important the Jewish Question was and if they did not agree, he would hire thugs to assassinate them.  World War I and the defeat of Germany (with the Treaty of Versailles ) helped Hitler first get into power and allowed him use  the large number of Jewish, Polish, Gypsies, and mentally defective people as scapegoats for his causes. Hitler used his power to create Judeophobia and stir protests against groups that did not support him.

Hitler became head of the Nazi party in 1920 after its formation. The Nazi party stood for uniting all Germans and was a short form for the NSDAP. Hitler believed that the Jews were responsible for bringing colored people into Germany for "bastardization" of the German race.  

Hitler wrote about his plans for elimination of the Jewish race in his book Mein Kampf (My Struggle) during his nine months imprisonment in Landsberg prison. In his book, Hitler wrote about 'racial purity'  and his hope of preserving the German race.

He also believed that since many of the German soldiers who fought on the front lines in World War I had lost their lives that the Jewish race should pay for the loss to Germany. 



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