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What the Holocaust is and What originally caused it

Judeophobia or  the fear of Jewish people is what caused the people of Germany to support Hitler in his Final Solution, during the Holocaust. The Holocaust was a horrible thing that happened in the late 1930's to mid1940's. It was arranged by Austrian-born Adolf Hitler as a solution to his thoughts about a Jewish Problem. Although the main victims and prey were the Jewish population, the Holocaust also took many polish people and many gypsies too. Even though there have been many cases in which the Jewish population has been the center of a massacre the Holocaust has been called the most horrific and horrible massacre ever.

During the time of the Holocaust, other countries allowed the Jews to immigrate into their country, but unfortunately, they soon put a limit on how many Jews were allowed in. Other countries decided to stand up against Hitler to save their Jewish population but some like Poland, were taken by force.

The Holocaust started with the Jewish first having to give up their seats on trains and their education, but soon went onto bringing them into isolation and to death.

The Jewish question started with many people in the Medieval times relating the Jewish to the betrayer of Jesus, Judas Iscariot. Soon the Jewish were being held responsible for wartime profiteering, black-market dealings, and stock exchange speculations and for the defeat of the First World War, which brought the Versailles Treaty upon the Germans. The Jewish stores were either taken over by German civilians or they were ransacked with all the goods broken or burned (as seen during Kristallnacht).

During the time of the Holocaust, over 90% of Lithuanians-Jews were killed, and over 6 million Jewish people or people with Jewish origins were killed from the 11 million targeted at the beginning.

This Information was taken from...

This information is all taken from Robert S. Wistrich's Hitler and the Holocaust and is not to be copied in any way shape or form unless the information is properly sited:

 Wistrich, Robert S. Hitler and the Holocaust. New York, New York: The Modern Library, 2001.

Words you might want to know the meaning of...

Anti-Semitism: hostility toward or discrimination against Jews as a religious, ethnic, or racial group
Immigrate: to come into a country of which one is not a native for permanent residence
Ransaked: to search through to commit robbery
Massacre: the act or an instance of killing a number of usually helpless or unresisting human beings under circumstances of atrocity or cruelty
Bisexual: sexually oriented toward both sexes
Homosexual: of, relating to, or characterized by a tendency to direct sexual desire toward another of the same sex
Swastika: a symbol or ornament in the form of a Greek cross with the ends of the arms extended at right angles all in the same rotary direction

About the Author of Hitler and The Holocaust

Robert S. Wistrich is the author of Hitler and the Holocaust and many other books including Antisemitism: The Longest Hatred. He is a professor at the hebrew University of Jerusalem. He is also the head of  the Hebrew university of Jerusalem's International Centre for the study of Antisemitism. Robert Wistrich has written over twenty-two books and has won awards for several of them.

Most of those deported were of the Jewish religion, although some were Gypsies, Polish and Russians.

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